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Beauty standards in Europe vs Asia & Panda's Dream white magic cream

I have grown up in a Nordic country where people are very pale but everybody wants to have tanned and skin kissed by sun. I have never got tanned easily so for me the most natural tone has been very light skin. I was surprised to notice that in Korea and other Asian countries many people actually want to have very light skin instead of very tanned one. In Europe there are lot of different products to get tanned - and in Asia vice versa ones that make your skin lighter. My opinion is that every skin tone is beautiful and unique in their own way and I always wonder why so many people want to have different tone from their natural one which often looks the best on them. However, I don't judge if somebody wants to have slightly different skin tone by using tanning or whitening lotions. So on this post, I will introduce you Tony Moly's Panda's Dream White Magic Cream!
Panda's dream
No, I don't use whitening creams myself. I simply bought this product randomly when I traveled to Korea for the first time — and thought I bought total normal moisturizer with super cute Panda package. (If you want the best moisturizer check out this post!) After trying the product I was shocked because my pale skin became even paler. The cream itself is pretty thick with a sweet floral scent. This cream has many benefits:
1. It moisturizes your skin
2. Makes it brighter
3....and whiter
4. Hydrates the skin
One jar contains 50 g of whitening cream.
Panda's dream whitening cream
The cream really works and makes the skin tone definitely lighter but still in a natural way. The effect doesn't last forever so to maintain the paler look you should apply cream regularly. The hands below are from a person with darker skin tone to show the before and after difference more clearly. Brightening products are good for example to reduce dark spots!
Panda's dream whitening cream
To talk about a bit more about the beauty standards I want to mention some more of my experiences. In every country I have felt that many people want to change themselves to something that they are not. The classical "the grass is greener on the other side" is happening everywhere. People somehow can't feel confident with the skin and look they have currently and even if they do there is still lot of pressure to try to be like others. Why is that happening? I think the world is amazing because of the fact we have different kind of people and cultures. I think beauty is diverse and depends so much of the current time, place and culture. In Asia I see how looking cute, young and pretty is something admirable and in western countries sexy and strong is something hot at the moment. There are always different people in every country and not every stereotype is true. But I definitely see how the view of beauty still differs depending on the country!
Panda's dream eye stick
However, to maintain our appearance again, I will also give another review of other Tony Moly's product. I wanted to find something small and convenient for dark circles and I came across with this lovely Panda's Dream So Cool Eye Stick. It looks more like a lip balm than eye cream but it really soothes and moisturizes the skin around eyes. The product has bamboo and glacial and seawater extracts and no parabens so it has nice natural ingredients to reduce puffiness!

I have used the product only for short time and haven't noticed drastic difference under me eyes. But it moisturizes and wakes me up while being tired! It's small and convenient so you can also carry it in your hand bag and apply thorough the day. How to use:
1. Apply the product around your eyes
2. Pat gently
3. Get beautiful and lively look

What kind of skin makes you feel confident? To me it's the natural and clear one. What kind of beauty standards do you have in your culture?
Order your own Panda products from Ebay!
Panda White Magic Cream
Panda So Cool Eye Stick
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