As most of the people know cosmetics and beauty products are close to my heart — especially Korean ones. You can barely find any other than Korean products from my makeup bag ( for example The best Korean foundation for Oily skin) and that's for a reason: they are good quality, ahead of western ones and in many cases cheaper. I would like to introduce you my favorite eyelash curler which I use on a regular basis to get beautiful eyelashes. It is cheap, stylish and it works!
The curler is Curl Fix from Etude House and it costs less than 5 euros. The color is black matte so it also looks better than cheap iron ones. It doesn't pinch eye lids at all so I guess it is perfect for my eye shape!
Here you can see a before picture: My lashes are light and not really thick so I need a bit stronger curler to make them look good. After cleaning your skin and waiting the moisturizer to dry is an ideal moment to curl the lashes.
After curling I put some mascara. For example Etude House a great selection of different mascaras you can find online! Lash Perm Curl Fix Mascara (order from Ebay) is a great choice for those who want to get the best outcome from the curler. I love this eyelash curler because it really does something to my eyelashes! It opens up my eyes greatly and even after adding eyeliner, thin eyelashes like mine can be seen.
I am not a great fan of eyelash extensions and I can't take ones because of my work so having a good curler is awesome. If I sometimes want extra lashes I just add them occasionally. Before going to Korea I didn't know I could get anything good cheaply because I could never find anything like this in Finland!
You can buy your own Etude House Curl Fix Eyelash Curler from Ebay link below
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The curler is Curl Fix from Etude House and it costs less than 5 euros. The color is black matte so it also looks better than cheap iron ones. It doesn't pinch eye lids at all so I guess it is perfect for my eye shape!
Here you can see a before picture: My lashes are light and not really thick so I need a bit stronger curler to make them look good. After cleaning your skin and waiting the moisturizer to dry is an ideal moment to curl the lashes.
After curling I put some mascara. For example Etude House a great selection of different mascaras you can find online! Lash Perm Curl Fix Mascara (order from Ebay) is a great choice for those who want to get the best outcome from the curler. I love this eyelash curler because it really does something to my eyelashes! It opens up my eyes greatly and even after adding eyeliner, thin eyelashes like mine can be seen.
You can buy your own Etude House Curl Fix Eyelash Curler from Ebay link below
Thanks for reading and remember to Subscribe my blog or Follow me with Bloglovin!
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